Follow Friday is a weekly meme where bloggers meet and follow other bloggers. It is hosted by Allison Can Read and Parajunkee's View. This week's question is
Q. What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?
Hmmmm, I would like to see Incarceron and City of Bones turned into a movie (although I hear it will be soon) I guess it doesn't count then huh. I'm not sure otherwise. I am horrible at casting so I wont even try. I guess if i had to choose something else, I would choose the Infernal Devices Series by Cassandra Clare. Those books are just amazing!Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books. It is a weekly blogger meme where book bloggers get to gether to answer questions and meet other bloggers. This week's question is:
“In honor of Banned Books Week, what is your favorite “banned or frequently challenged book”?”
Click here for 2010-11 list in PDF format. You can also click HERE to view past years and choose from any of those titles!
That's a hard question. I guess I'd say the Hunger Games. I read them like all the time! At least once a month. That would be the only ones I absolutely love.
What are your answers? Leave me a link with them so that I can check out your page!

The Hunger Games shocked me to see on the list. I would never have thought it would be one of the most challenged book. Great choice!
Hi Sherre. The Hunger Games is a great book. It is one of my favorite banned/challenged books among many. Thanks for stopping by.
Interesting choice-The Hunger Games is very popular here in Manila
I have the same answer!! :D
My Firday post,
Hi there, new follower here ;)
Ah, I think there are going to be A LOT of THG answers this week!! I also chose it, along with a few others because I couldn't make up my mind lol
You can see my Hop post for this week at the link below!
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
I'm visiting via FF and those two books are great choices. I'm your newest follower. I'd love for you to visit me whenever you get a chance....
I had a bit of a time trying to decide on actors for my pick. I did it eventually, but I can see how it could turn into something impossible!
I have to be honest: I haven't heard of most of the books you mentioned. I guess I'll to look them up!
New follower!
My FF:
I have Incarceron on my shelf but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I'll get to it eventually. (Help! I'm drowning in books!) Anyway, it is an original choice I haven't heard anyone else list. Have a great day!
Hopping through. I think Incarceron is becoming a movie. I've heard that Taylor Lautner is tied to it.
My Hop
I am a new follower thanks to Follow Friday! I have to say, I am terrible at casting too and am drawing a blank as far as what book I want to see turned into a movie. Have a great weekend!
Thank you for stopping by my blog during the Hop.
I agree with you about the Hunger Games!! I'm not very good at casting because I don't know who the actors/actresses are. I don't watch enough movies.
Whooo I'm your 99th follower.
Haven't read the books...but heard lots abt them.
My hop: FollowFriday
Happy Friday
Woo-Hoo!! I'm your 100th follower.
I chose The Hunger Games too. It's not appropriate for every age group but it should not be banned. It has a powerful message that should be discussed with children.
I haven't read it, but I like your answer. :)
New Follower
Cana Elene
I would like to read Incarceron one of these many books and so little time! Like the name of your blog...beckoned by books! They keep me from doing what needs to be done, or make me rush through tasks, just so I can get back to reading!
YAY! I was 102 to follow! I just reached 100 as well and am Celebrating!
Hopping by... Here's my answer
Make sure to visit my 100 Followers Giveaway!
I still need to read The Hunger Games, but I've heard so many great things about it. :) It's so odd seeing some of the titles on the banned/challenged list, you just can't get over it. Thank you for visiting my blog, and Happy Banned Books Week!
I would LOVE to see Clockwork Angel as a movie- so so good!
new follower :)
I think it would be awesome if they made Infernal Devices into a movie too! I love that series :) I think Alex Pettyfer would be a great pick for Jace in TMI :) Awesome choices! New follower :)
My Follow Friday
I am a new follower:)
It is so surprizing --some of the books that are on the list...I'd love to hear the reasoning process behand 90% of these!!
My Friday Memes
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Great choices! I love these and also think they would make great movies!
New Follower
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