It's time for the weekly meme's. We'll start with Book Blogger Hop:
Book Blogger Hop is Hosted by Crazy For Books. This week's question is:
“Many of us primarily read one genre of books, with others sprinkled in. If authors stopped writing that genre, what genre would you start reading? Or would you give up reading completely if you couldn’t read that genre anymore?”
I love YA and all the sci fi, fantasy, and paranormal stuff as you all know already; however, that was not always my favorite. I used to read African American Lit (usually scandalous-ness...wink wink) I just like the innocence of YA lit, and the otherworldly experiences that come with fantasy and sci fi and paranormal books. I suppose that I would go back to reading this if they stopped writing my genre, or move to historical fiction. I love the moies at least, i suppose I would probably like the books too. I would never ever in 100 million bagillion years give up reading, unless of course something happened to my eyes (i dont know why i thought of that...i just did)...and even then I'd listen to audiobooks.
What about you?
Next it's time for Follow Friday!!!
Follow Friday is hosted by Allison Can Read and Parajunkee's View.
This week's question isn't up yet (yea I'm what...I'm just a little excited that tomorrow is Friday and I don't have to work!) but I'll make sure to add it and post as soon as I see it's available.
Thanks for Stopping By! Follow Me, I follow back!
Okay so I am awake now, and of course the question is up. Here it is:
Q. Have you ever wanted a villain to win at the end of a story? If so, which one?
I believe that is a hard question! I don't think I ever really wanted the villain to win at the end of the story. I don't really like bad guys so i always like it when they lose. Maybe I can bring it back to my younger years when I had my own personal bad guy (bullies...i was the smarty pants little girl that always read books...okay i still kinda am...its just cooler now...or people no longer care...either way) and somehow I (kinda) won, and I would prefer it that way. Besides, books where the bad guy wins are so few that i would never rememberWhat about you?

Hi Sherre, Great answer. Your profile made me laugh. My family makes fun of me because they can carry on conversations around me and ABOUT ME sitting next to me while I'm reading and I have no idea what's going on. IF I'm in a book I'm in a different world.
Historical fiction is a solid back up plan! Lol. I also read a lot of YA, UF, and PNR.
Hope you have a great weekend. Stopped by from the Book Blogger Hop!
Great answer - I'd probably check out historical fiction as well.
I haven't read any of the African-American Lit you mention, but my library has a huge selection of it, I know just the kind of stuff you mean.
Get some sleep, you! I'm up early, but that's because I went to sleep early. :P
I was also always the girl with a book, but somehow there are villains who are more tragic heroes. And I cannot resist a tragic hero! Hop on over if you have the time:
Juli @ Universe in Words
I couldn't imagine giving up reading but then I tend to read loads of different genres.
Great blog title :D
I agree with Juli above me about some Villains being tragic heroes. I really love that!
New Follower
Beth ^_^
Good answer! I usually read a variety of things also! I couldn't live without reading though!
My Follow Friday!
Hi Sherre New follower. I think a lot of folks had trouble with the Parajunkee question. I have been seeing that today. I might wish a villain would win at the end if the hero annoyed me.
I have an awesome True Blood contest with a copoy of Dead Reckoning a book light and swag or a TB wall calendar and swag. I always do a bit extra in the package before sending it out too. Hope you come by and enter and if you wish follow the blog:<a href="”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>
Hi. New follower here.
This week's FF seems to be a hard one! I agree that it's hard to root for someone completely evil.
hey! hopping by, a little late though! Love the blog and I'm following you now :) i could never give up YA, so I just can't even answer this question. lol. it will NEVER die, and if it does, it's what I write anyways lol.
stop by my blog too? I posted about my TBR list instead this Friday!
You are right, it is rare for the bad guy to win. I can't help but love a good villain, though!
I'm with you: I'd never give up reading! Or coffee, for that matter.
Here's my post: I've Never Met a Genre I Didn't Like. I'd also invite you to sign up for the contest to win a $25 Amazon giftcard this month at my blog.
Audiobooks would be a good idea. We could even secretly listen to our favorite genre to avoid getting caught.
I agree with the villains- it's hard to remember rooting for one.
-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
hey! i'm a follower here! i'm spreading the word about Teen Shiver, a new group of YA authors that have combined together! stop by the Teen Shiver blog and follow us?? :)
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