Follow Friday is a weekly meme where bloggers meet and follow other bloggers. It is hosted by Allison Can Read and Parajunkee's View. This week's question is:
Q. Do you have a favorite series that you read over and over again? Tell us a bit about it and why you keep on revisiting it?
My Answer: YES, YES, YES!!! I read Twilight like once a month, I read the Hunger games almost as much and City of bones slightly less than that. Its like amazing!!! I even have them all in audio books so that I can continue to listen to it when I cant read. It's almost like I'm obsessed with them. My parents get annoyed every time they get in my car because all I listen to is these 3 audio book series. What about you? Leave a link so that I can check yours out.
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy For Books. It is a weekly meme where bloggers get together to answer questions and meet other bloggers. This week's question is not up yet. Stay Tuned!
The Hop is extending later this week. Our host had a busy week and was unable to do it on time. This week's question is:
“As a blog reader, what information (besides the book review) do you like to see in other bloggers’ reviews of books? (For example – Author bio, social media links, book synopsis from Amazon/Goodreads or one written by the blogger, page count, ISBN number, link to purchase, etc.)”
Oddly, there isn't uch I like to read becides the book review in other bloggers review of books. Its nice to see the Author bio sometimes, although I will admit that unless there's something particularly spectacular in it, I just skim through it. I do like the synopsis from Goodreads/Amazon/Barnes and Noble. It helps me decide if I would even like to read the synopsis at all. I also like to see the rating at the end of how many "stars" the reviewer would give the book. Regardless of the synopsis, or the way I originally feel about the cover, a rating of 4-5 stars will almost always make me stop and re-read.
What about you?

I keep seeing Twilight and Hunger Games! Very popular!
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Hopping through. Yay for Twilight. I re-read portions of it frequently.
My Hop
Both are great series that I've reread as well! Especially The Hunger Games. I'm obsessed with those books and am so excited for the movies! Audiobooks are the best. I've got my ipod filled with them and listen to books right before bed. It probably doesn't help me fall asleep too easily since I try and stay awake to listen =)
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My Follow Friday
Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
To find out which books I return to and to follow me back (I’m following you now from Follow Friday) check out My Follow Friday post
Happy Follow Friday!
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I think you may be one of few people I've seen so far that didn't answer with Harry Potter! I like Twilight, too, though I haven't yet read the rest of the series. I really need to!
I think a rating is essential; without it, you can't really get a sense of how much the reviewer really LIKED the book.
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