By: Kiersten White
Published: February 19, 2013
Published by: HarperTeen
Description: Fia was born with flawless instincts. Her first impulse, her gut feeling, is always exactly right. Her sister, Annie, is blind to the world around her—except when her mind is gripped by strange visions of the future.
Trapped in a school that uses girls with extraordinary powers as tools for corporate espionage, Annie and Fia are forced to choose over and over between using their abilities in twisted, unthinkable ways…or risking each other’s lives by refusing to obey.
In a stunning departure from her New York Times bestselling Paranormalcy trilogy, Kiersten White delivers a slick, edgy, heartstoppingly intense psychological thriller about two sisters determined to protect each other—no matter the cost.
My Thoughts: Mind games was a great read told through the two MC's POV in the format of a stream of consciousness and thought. It was a great fast paced book that told its readers that anything is possible, if you try hard enough.
We follow Fia and Annie. Fia has ridiculously flawless instincts and her sister, though blind, can see the future easily. At a young age, they get roped into joining a school, even though Fia's gut instinct tells her not to, and after that, life is difficult for them. Fia's instincts are never wrong, but she joins the school because her sister begs her too, and slowly but surely she realizes that the school isn't all it's sold to be. It's one that uses those with special powers for monetary gain, and Fia's one of a kind. She fights amazingly because her instincts are always right. The school won't let her go, and are willing to threaten her sister to keep her there. Soon, it becomes obvious that they need to get out, but how do you get out of a school that's comprised of people who can see your future and read your thoughts. They know what you're planning before you even have a solid plan together which means, the only way to plan escape, is to not plan at all. A feat easier said than done.
Because Fia knows of those people's abilities around her, her instincts force her mind to run through things quickly. She plans nothing, jumps from decision to decision following her instincts completely, causing the Seer's difficulty when trying to see her future, and forcing the readers to have headaches whenever they try to delve into her mind. For that reason, the reader feels right in the moment. We don't have time to think about what we're reading, we just read, and think later. It's a great change from traditional books. Annie is less important in the book in my opinion, she's Fia's weakness, and she knows it, and all she wants is to find a way to make Fia happy, better, good. She has no idea how.
As for love interests, this book has two, though it's not a love triangle, more than just interest in two people and a quick and easy decision between the two. Adam is the good boy outside the school who Fia likes but isn't sure she can actually be with. James is the sexy bad boy inside who accepts what Fia has done, and wants her to help him rise to the top. The decision isn't as obvious as it seems, and at the end, you'll be super shocked with what happens.
This was a great book. I liked the characters, though Fia was often pretty psychotic I really liked her. It was random and great and interesting and I will definitely be reading the next book in the series. I give it 4.5 stars.
I didn't even realise Kiersten White had written another series! It sounds right up my alley. Am going to see if I can get a copy from my library!
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