I'm here to tell you all that unfortunately, I will be taking a bit of a break from my blog for a bit, if that wasn't already obvious from my lack of presence.
I've had a few deaths in my family in the last couple of months, and it's began to take a bit of a toll on my overall mood and reading. I do have a few reviews that are stockpiled and scheduled and will go out some of the days this month, so you will have a bit of me for a little while. But I'm not sure how I'll feel at the end of this month so I dont want to make any promises that I'll be back by then, though I hope I am. I love this blog and I love my readers, but I've noticed my mood in some of the reviews that will be going up shortly, and I imagine you may be able to tell I'm a bit sad over here, so I think my best option is to take some time to myself to get over the loss of some of my family.
Thanks for understanding. I'll probably stop by every so often and stalk your blogs, so no worries. See you later!
Sherre, so very sorry to hear of your losses! :( yes, give yourself a break and come visit us instead.
Sorry to hear about your grandparents. Take as much time as you need. My thoughts are with you and your family.
So sorry to hear of your losses. Your blogging will be missed. Take the time you need and come back when you are ready.
Thanks so much for understanding!!!
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