Befofre I begin, I need to rant a bit. It SUCKS that despite the fact that I love reading all these books and writing reviews, and can read books in one sitting without losing interest, I still cant read a book for sckool without being bored out of my mind and nearly pulling my hair out. You would think that I'd have a lot of practice by now and could do it easily but no! I hate it even more than before. It seems that the more I force myself to read the stupid book, the more my attention is directed to how much I hate it and then how much I'd prefer to be reading my book for the blog, and then to how hungry I am, and then to how many pages I have left, and once again to how much I hate the book. If only I didnt have to read boring materials for class. Oh well. Its time for Must read Monday, hosted by Fans of Fiction.
The goal of the Must Read Monday is to find share your love of great books with others in the hopes that they'll add a new title to their To Be Read list.
Your job is to create intrigue for other hoppers. What makes your book so swoon-worthy? What do you absolutely have to mention so they'll read it?
On your post, you'll make an acrostic puzzle (think of it as an overview/book blurb type of thing).
When you leave comments on other posts, be sure to mention whether you're adding that book to your TBR pile, and what part convinced you to do so.
It's all about powers of persuasion, people:) You might have to think a little, but channel that inner-creative goddess (or god).
This weeks Category is Contemporary/Realistic Fiction.
Ugh. Not my category at all, (I don't have much to choose from it seems) but I will choose Burned by Ellen Hopkins (I hope this counts)
Burdened by abuse of her father and norms of her religion
Under strict guidelines to follow
Ransacked by ideas of sex, love, and violence
Now Pattyn is shipped away
Everything she discovers and more
Determine her destiny, and eventually, her demise.
I hope that makes you want to read it. This is by Far the best book of the ones written by Ellen Hopkins (in my opinion) READ IT!!!

It's really awesome! One of my favorite books! You should totally give it a try!
Thanks for following! I followed back =)
These poems never cease to amaze me! The book sounds really full on and I agree it's not my usual cup of tea either. I'm exactly the same as you are about books that aren't part of reading for leisure or for my blog. Even review books sometimes cross the line into ones I feel like I have to force myself to read. Don't be discourage Sherre, even if you procrastinate at least you're trying and haven't give up completely.
Great job with your acrostic. I haven't read this book. I wasn't sure what to put into this category either so I hope mine works too! :)
This sounds very interesting. Good job!
Sounds dark. It's not too sad, is it? --Another great job on the acrostic.
I absolutely adore Ellen Hopkins book. Tricks freaked me out a little, and that one with the twins. Triangles should be good. Burned was one of the first I read and I can't remember all that much about it. I shall pick it up again:)
I hope you get through that school book. It can be so annoying when you want to do anything but hw. I used to clean just to procrastinate.
Thanks for doing Must Read Monday even though you don't normally read contemporary!
-Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
@ Junky: Yes it is! Almost all of the books I read in the Ellen Hopkins books books ended sadly. Its frustrating, but thats what makes it more real.
Thanks for entering my contest. Love the meme for Monday and your post. Have a great week!
What a wonderful acrostic! I haven't read any of Ellen Hopkins books yet but I have 4 of them sitting here on my shelf staring at me in an accusatory way. I admit to being slightly intimidated and unsure about reading books written entirely in verse. I think I may want to grab the audio instead. What do you think?
The audio may be nice, but there's nothing like the amazingness of reading this book for yourself. For some reason it pulls you in until the very last page
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